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Herne Bay Festival
21st July to 25th August 2024

Short story writing

@ Beach Creative Beach St Herne Bay Kent CT65PT
Starts Thursday August 18, 2022 @ 12:30
Ends Thursday August 18, 2022 @ 14:00

Try something new – creative writing workshops for children 7+ (and
families). Two separate workshops delivered in the same day.
1. Blackout poetry workshop – taking existing texts and using them to create
blackout poems, a type of found poem. These will be created around the
theme of the beach. (90 mins)
2. Short story writing – using images of Herne Bay as starting points, writing
short stories with the theme of community. Encouraging children to think
about how they can look at these familiar structures and areas in new
ways and what community means. (90 mins)
Participants will get the chance to try different styles of writing. If they don’t do
any writing outside of school, this provides them an opportunity to be creative
and discover new skills on their doorstep. They can then take these skills home
and try out their own versions.
Future workshop opportunities will be available through Beach Creative.
Spaces will be free but booking will be available through EventBrite. Marketing
will take place through my social media channels, on my website and through
Beach Creative channels.


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For enquiries about individual events, please contact the organisers directly using the contact details on the event page.